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Words Got Wrong
    Question 1 of 10

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    Persistently avoid, ignore, or reject (someone or something) through antipathy or caution
    Interrupt (a public speaker) with derisive or aggressive comments or abuse
    Expend or use less time, money, or material on something than is necessary in an attempt to economize
    Suppress (a feeling, especially an unpleasant one)
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    Hit or crush (something, especially an insect) with a sharp blow from a flat object
    Hit (someone) hard
    Trouble or annoy (someone) with frequent or persistent requests or interruptions
    To catch someone doing something wrong or illegal
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    Have saliva dripping copiously from the mouth
    Interfere with (something) in order to cause damage or make unauthorized alterations
    An animal or person moving around restlessly and stealthily, especially in search of prey
    Expend or use less time, money, or material on something than is necessary in an attempt to economize
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    As a police officer or other official passes their hands over someone in search of hidden weapons, drugs, etc.
    Attack (a place or person) continuously with bombs, shells, or other missiles
    Reject with disdain or contempt
    To attack in response to an attack.
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    Meet and come into violent conflict
    Contaminate or pollute (something)
    Prevent or hinder the progress of
    For a person to be astonished or overwhelmed when trying to imagine something
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    Put a muzzle on (an animal)
    Make plans, especially in a devious way or with intent to do something illegal or wrong
    To make a false spoken statement about someone that damages their reputation
    Try to deceive someone as to one's abilities or intentions
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    Smelling extremely unpleasant
    Repetitious and boring
    Noisy and disorderly
    False and incorrect
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    Talk foolishly, mindlessly, or excessively
    To appear as a dangerous event that might happen in the near future
    To continuously hit something or someone with the fist(s).
    To move suddenly and with a lot of force in order to catch, hit, or avoid something or someone
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    A person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand
    An animal that naturally preys on others
    A scarcity or lack of something
    A bad-tempered or aggressively assertive woman
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    A short, confused fight or struggle at close quarters
    A large amount of something that arrives in a confusing or badly organized way
    A dishonest scheme; a fraud
    A dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation
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