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Words Got Wrong
    Question 1 of 10

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    Careless and unsystematic; excessively casual
    Sordid and disreputable
    Uncontrollably exuberant; boisterous
    An eerie or ghostly atmosphere that causes feelings of fear.
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    Characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm
    Feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems.
    So foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be almost amusing; ridiculous
    Feeling or showing tiredness, especially as a result of excessive exertion or lack of sleep
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    A small shapeless mass or blob of something, especially soft food
    Hard, menial, or dull work
    A feeling of extreme fear
    Put an end to; dispose of decisively
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    Disappear suddenly and completely
    Engage in a vigorous struggle or scuffle
    Smell strongly and unpleasantly; stink
    To shake involuntarily, typically as a result of fear or weakness.
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    To argue about things that are petty and unimportant.
    (of a person's voice) shake or tremble in speaking, typically through nervousness or emotion
    To wrinkle and contract, usually due to light, heat, and loss of moisture
    Tread on and crush
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    Make plans, especially in a devious way or with intent to do something illegal or wrong
    Anticipate with great apprehension or fear
    (of a person or animal) make a series of low, feeble sounds expressive of fear, pain, or discontent
    To complain about something that is bothering you
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    So foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be almost amusing; ridiculous
    Causing horror, disgust, and shock - usually dealing with death or injury:
    Shy and nervous, lacking confidence, and easily frightened
    Something that can cause death.
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    A small piece of tasty food
    A blood feud in which the family of a murdered person seeks vengeance on the murderer or the murderer's family
    A very bad dream, or an event that is like a bad dream
    The act of betraying one's country
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    Annoyed or irritated and quick to take offense at petty things
    acting without an organized plan
    Intensely distressing
    An idea or position that cannot be defended against criticism
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    Break or fall apart into small fragments, especially over a period of time as part of a process of deterioration
    To fail or make a mistake
    Twist together into a confused mass
    Crouch down in fear
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