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Words Got Wrong
    Question 1 of 10

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    (of clothes) short and revealing
    Spending too much time on physical pleasures that are not good for your health.
    Crazy or silly
    (of a woman or her clothes) dowdy and old-fashioned
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    Unhappy and without hope
    Lacking energy or alertness
    A land or a person that is incapable of growing anything or bearing fruit
    (of a person or their clothes) unfashionable and without style in appearance (typically used of a woman)
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    Extremely frightened.
    (of a situation or event) extremely serious or urgent
    A subject, word, or action that is avoided for religious or social reasons
    Having a stale, moldy, or damp smell
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    Usually an uncomplimentary term referring to 'white people'
    Deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed
    An untidy collection or group of things.
    An old car in a dilapidated condition
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    Easily irritated or annoyed
    (of a structure or piece of equipment) poorly made and likely to collapse
    Suddenly reject or abandon (a lover)
    Tremble or totter, typically because of old age
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    Smelling stale, damp, or stuffy
    Depressing; dreary
    Making one extremely angry and impatient; very annoying
    (of a group or organization) difficult to control; unruly
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    Very small
    (of a building or object) in a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect
    To mistakenly fail to do something that should have been done
    Making you feel annoyed or bored
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    A dull, slow-witted, or socially inept person
    An old, run-down vehicle or machine
    A short simple song
    A cause of annoyance
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    A cause of annoyance
    A large-scale and violent event in the natural world
    An old man
    A small, squalid, unpleasant, or simply constructed dwelling
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    Bend or hang downward limply
    Engage in petty argument or bargaining
    To show weakness or frailty under strain.
    Be indecisive
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