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Words Got Wrong
    Question 1 of 10

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    To continuously hit something or someone with the fist(s).
    Strike or hit (someone or something) very hard
    (of a person's voice) shake or tremble in speaking, typically through nervousness or emotion
    Inflict harm in return for (an injury or wrong done to oneself or another)
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    Intensely distressing
    Unpleasant and disgusting.
    Being harsh or violent to another person, verbally or physically.
    An idea or position that cannot be defended against criticism
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    A person or animal that is last in a group to do something or the last to get to or leave a place
    A very bad dream, or an event that is like a bad dream
    A woman who is argumentative, nagging, and ill tempered.
    Deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed
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    Make a loud wailing cry
    Press against something lightly with a piece of absorbent material in order to clean or dry it
    Express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behavior or actions
    Anticipate with great apprehension or fear
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    A small piece or amount of food; a mouthful
    A state of being extremely dirty and unpleasant, especially as a result of poverty or neglect
    A feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen
    Great anger that results in a desire to punish
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    Hit or crush (something, especially an insect) with a sharp blow from a flat object
    Wave or flourish (something, especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitement
    Suppress (a feeling, especially an unpleasant one)
    To shake involuntarily, typically as a result of fear or weakness.
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    Extremely frightened.
    Endless (often used hyperbolically)
    Showing courage and resolve
    Unhappy and quiet
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    Mawkishly sentimental
    A way of expressing something using a minimum number of words
    A stern, harsh, or gloomy attitude or facial expression
    Shy and nervous, lacking confidence, and easily frightened
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    A difficult situation or time in one's life
    A strong feeling of nervous apprehension and discomfort
    A person who is responsible for a crime or other misdeed
    A form of desire in which gratification is linked to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc
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    Feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems.
    Witheringly scornful; severely critical
    Silly, different, strange, and funny
    Very unlikely to be true, and difficult to believe
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