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Words Got Wrong
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    To move suddenly and with a lot of force in order to catch, hit, or avoid something or someone
    Overbalance or become unsteady resulting in falling
    Bend or hang downward limply
    Severely mutilate, disfigure, or damage by cutting, tearing, or crushing
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    Hit (someone) hard
    To hit hard and forcefully
    Cause (a large amount of damage or harm)
    Knock unconscious or into a dazed or semiconscious state
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    Fail to reach the required standard in an examination, test, or course of study
    To hit someone on the head, usually with a heavy object.
    Search unsystematically and untidily through a mass or receptacle
    To damage something severely
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    Language that is meaningless or is made unintelligible by excessive use of abstruse technical terms; nonsense
    To scuffle or fight in a rough, noisy manner.
    A person who is responsible for a crime or other misdeed
    A slight knowledge or suspicion; a hint
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    Having a tendency or desire to fight or argue with other people
    Having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge
    Wild or distraught with fear, anxiety, or other emotion
    An explanation that is presented in a very complicated and difficult way.
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    Go hurriedly through (a place) stealing things and causing damage
    To cause harm or damage to the reputation of someone or something
    (of an animal) wound (a person or animal) by scratching and tearing
    Inquire too closely into a person's private affairs
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    A stupid person
    An animal that naturally preys on others
    Usually an uncomplimentary term referring to 'white people'
    Dirt, grime or messy substance.
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    To gradually weaken the authority or ability of a person or organization
    To hesitate or be unwilling to continue with an idea or action.
    To reduce something by a large amount so that there is not enough left, such as resources or money
    To inhibit or suppress
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    To show weakness or frailty under strain.
    (of a person or other living thing) lose or lack vitality; grow weak or feeble
    To destroy (something) completely so that nothing is left
    To send someone away from a country or place as an official punishment.
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    (of a person or animal) make a series of low, feeble sounds expressive of fear, pain, or discontent
    Subject (someone or something) to contemptuous and dismissive language or behavior
    Show cautious interest in a project or proposal
    Make a witty remark
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