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Words Got Wrong
    Question 1 of 10

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    Hunt and kill for food
    Speak or act in a joking manner
    Make a gash in; cut deeply
    (of an animal, especially a dog) make a low guttural sound of hostility in the throat
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    To lower the edges of one's mouth as an expression of displeasure or unhappiness
    To arouse curiosity and interest by unusual, new, and fascinating qualities
    Give a cry of pain, grief, or anger
    Steal goods from (a place), typically during a war or riot
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    Have a strong unpleasant smell
    (of a person) give a loud shout or cry
    Condemn to certain destruction or death
    Laugh lightly in a nervous, affected, or silly manner
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    Talk, typically at length, about trivial matters
    Anticipate with great apprehension or fear
    Physically explore or examine (something) with the hands or an instrument
    Condemn to certain destruction or death
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    To give something and be given something else instead
    Form or flow with undulating waves on the water's surface.
    To come close together in a group
    To arouse curiosity and interest by unusual, new, and fascinating qualities
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    Look at someone or something with one or both eyes partly closed in an attempt to see more clearly or as a reaction to strong light
    Inform on to the authorities
    Cause (liquid) to strike or fall on something in irregular drops
    Steal goods from (a place or person), typically using force and in a time of war or civil disorder
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    Use the hands clumsily while doing or handling something
    Annoy or irritate (a person) with persistent fault-finding or continuous urging
    Run or travel somewhere in a great hurry
    Damage or wreck
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    Move in a twisting or spiraling pattern
    To make small movements, to wriggle or squirm
    (of an animal such as a dog) make an aggressive growl with bared teeth
    To arouse curiosity and interest by unusual, new, and fascinating qualities
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    (of a liquid) fall slowly in drops or a thin stream
    Make plans, especially in a devious way or with intent to do something illegal or wrong
    Throw or hurl forcefully
    (especially of a child or animal) play roughly and energetically
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    (of a vehicle) slide, typically sideways or obliquely, on slippery ground or as a result of stopping or turning too quickly
    To complain about something that is bothering you
    Move with a hissing or rushing sound
    Strike (someone or something), typically with the palm of the hand and as a punishment
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